Paper Code Test Paper No. Candidates Registered No. Candidates Appeared Cut-off (GEN) Cut-off (OBC-NCL/EWS) Cut-off (SC/ST/PwD)
AE Aerospace Engineering 6931 5255 33.3 29.9 22.1
AG Agricultural Engineering 2777 2362 25 22.5 16.6
AR Architecture and Planning 11450 9080 41.5 37.3 27.6
BM Biomedical Engineering 2345 1860 25 22.5 16.6
BT Biotechnology 21210 17078 38.9 35 25.9
CE Civil Engineering 108136 85869 28.3 25.4 18.8
CH Chemical Engineering 16930 13937 25 22.5 16.6
CS Computer Science and Information Technology 152652 123967 27.6 24.8 18.4
CY Chemistry 35382 26825 25.2 22.6 16.7
DA Data Science and Artificial Intelligence 52493 39210 37.1 33.3 24.7
EC Electronics and Communication Engineering 78157 63092 25 22.5 16.6
EE Electrical Engineering 73728 59599 25.7 23.1 17.1
ES Environmental Science and Engineering 8847 6445 37.9 34.1 25.2
EY Ecology and Evolution 3336 2359 35.8 32.2 23.8
GE Geomatics Engineering 3238 2491 41.1 36.9 27.4
GG1 Geology and Geophysics (Geology) 7154 5574 42 37.8 28
GG2 Geology and Geophysics (Geophysics) 1037 822 49 44.1 32.6
IN Instrumentation Engineering 12451 9900 32.7 29.4 21.8
MA Mathematics 17617 13425 25 22.5 16.6
ME Mechanical Engineering 83114 65546 28.6 25.7 19
MN Mining Engineering 8515 7046 25 22.5 16.6
MT Metallurgical Engineering 3858 3111 41 36.9 27.3
NM Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering 517 361 25.1 22.5 16.7
PE Petroleum Engineering 2146 1770 42.6 38.3 28.4
PH Physics 26475 20258 32 28.8 21.3
PI Production and Industrial Engineering 4915 3725 30.5 27.4 20.3
ST Statistics 2663 1694 26.6 23.9 17.7
TF Textile Engineering and Fibre Science 1765 1422 28.1 25.2 18.7
XE Engineering Sciences 14941 11261 36.2 32.5 24.1
XH-C1 Humanities and Social Sciences (Economics) 3748 2721 37 33.3 24.6
XH-C2 Humanities and Social Sciences (English) 5488 3900 48 43.2 32
XH-C3 Humanities and Social Sciences (Linguistics) 368 277 49.7 44.7 33.1
XH-C4 Humanities and Social Sciences (Philosophy) 513 340 39.3 35.3 26.1
XH-C5 Humanities and Social Sciences (Psychology) 4872 3415 52.7 47.4 35.1
XH-C6 Humanities and Social Sciences (Sociology) 1566 1020 36 32.4 24
XL Life Sciences 44904 36275 29.3 26.3 19.5
TOTAL 826239 653292

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GATE 2025 Branch wise cutoff marks for General , GATE 2024 qualifying marks for General

GATE 2025 Branch wise cutoff marks for OBC-NCL/EWS , GATE 2024 qualifying marks for OBC-NCL/EWS

GATE 2024 Branch wise cutoff marks for for SC/ST/PwD , GATE 2025 qualifying marks for SC/ST/PwD

The information provided relies on GATE 2024 notifications, with minimal likelihood of changes. However, any updates found in GATE 2025 notifications will be promptly reflected.